
Flashy custom carts for Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy and others are here

The most exciting exhibition golf series, The Match, is right around the corner. The tournament, scheduled to take place on December 10 at the Pelican Golf Course, has already started with its preparation.

Custom golf carts arrived at the golf course for Tiger Woods, Jordan Spieth, Rory McIlroy, and Justin Thomas. Golf Digest took pictures of these four mini carts.

A post by Nuclr Golf on Twitter showed a glimpse of the beautiful carts in four colors.

Tiger Woods' cart is red with black on the side, and his autograph is printed on the front, while Jordan Spieth's cart is orange with his autograph on the front.

Justin Thomas will ride in a full red cart, while Rory McIlroy's cart is sky blue on top with a shade of orange towards the bottom.

It is important to note that Woods and McIlroy will play on the same team against Thomas and Spieth.

The 15-time major champion will play his third season, while McIlroy, Thomas, and Spieth will make their debuts.

The Match is an exhibition series that began in 2018 on Thanksgiving Day, and the two seasons are organized yearly.

In the last six editions of the championship, Tiger Woods participated in the first two seasons. He won the second season against the team of Phil Mickelson and six-time Super Bowl champion quarterback Tom Brady.

Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy (Image via Getty)

Woods has since missed the event, while Mickelson continued to play at the tournament. However, Phil will miss this year's season as he joined the controversial LIV Golf Series.

"You have Mario carts"- Fans react to the custom golf carts for The Match

Fans have many reasons to be happy about the upcoming tournament, The Match, primarily because Tiger Woods will be returning to play golf after a brief break.

Woods was on hiatus due to a car accident last year. He was slated to play at the Hero World Challenge, scheduled from December 1 to 4, but could not compete at the championship because he developed plantar fasciitis just before the tournament. However, he is looking forward to playing in the match on Saturday.

On December 6, Nuclr Golf shared a first look at the carts that will be used in this week's match. Sports enthusiasts jumped into the comment section to talk about the mini carts.

One user wrote:

"Sweet carts."

Another one joined the thread and said:

"JT/JS (Justin Thomas / Jordan Spieth) carts kinda look like the blippi mobile."

One fan compared the carts to Mario's carts. He commented:

"Couple of bananas and Mario, and you have Mario carts."

Yet someone jotted:

"Let's get a driver for Tiger, please."

Some are not happy that Phil Mickelson is not playing. In support of the former PGA Tour player, a user tweeted:

"No Phil, No Watch."

While a Twitter user, @BeggBathBeyond was not happy with Rory's cart and said:

"I'm confused why Rory isn't rocking East Tennessee State colcolors? That cart should be navy and yellow! Go, Bucs!"

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Aldo Pusey

Update: 2024-06-23